Information on Chakras
Chakras are bioenergy structures of human
Chakras are the organs responsible for the generation of
emotions and other
psychic states of man.
Among their functions are storage, conversion, and
redistribution of the bioenergies inside the
organism (these energies can also flow between the
chakras or between the chakras and the organs which
correspond to the sphere of influence of this
chakra). The channels through which the bioenergies
flow are called meridians.
There are no “good” or “bad” chakras (though there
are such fantasies in the literature). Each chakra
plays its role in the work of the organism.
Location of the Chakras There
are seven chakras, in total. Sometimes another
number is quoted, but this is a result of
misunderstanding. For example, other energy centers
or even structures artificially created inside or
outside the body are referred to as chakras.
There are erroneous opinions as to localization of
chakras. For instance, in some incompetent
publications anahata (where the
spiritual heart
is contained) gets placed in a stomach area, and
manipura — in the umbilical region. The chakras are
not located in the spinal column, as it is written
in some books. In reality chakras
are located as follows:
Sahasrara — a chakra that has a form of a lying
disk and is located under the parietal bone in the
region of the forebrain hemispheres. Its diameter is
about 12 centimeters, its height is about 4
centimeters; Ajna — a large
chakra located in the middle of the head, coincident
with the central parts of the brain;
Vishudha — a chakra located in the lower half
of the neck down to the level of the collarbones;
Anahata — a chakra of the chest located at
the area between the collarbones and the solar
plexus. Manipura — a chakra
of the upper part of the abdomen;
Svadhisthana — a chakra of the lower part of
the abdomen;
Muladhara — a
chakra, located in the lower part of the pelvis
between the coccyx and the share bone.
Inside chakras there are no petals — this is people’s
fantasy; there are no other fantastic structures
inside them. And in no case should one “color” the
chakras, as it is recommended in some books. Chakras
should have inside themselves tender white-goldish
light. It is desirable that all
chakras be always pure and developed. There are
special meditative methods for this purpose.
Chakras and Psychological Features of Man
The level of development of
individual chakras corresponds to one’s
psychological features. So, when the following
chakras are developed: sahasrara —
there is a pronounced ability of thinking
strategically, i.e. the ability to see the “whole
picture”, to comprehend the whole situation “from
above”; this allows such people to be broad-thinking
managers; ajna — a person
possesses a “tactical thinking” ability, which
allows him to successfully deal with “particular”
problems in science, business, family life, etc.;
vishudha — the ability for aesthetical perception is
observed; good painters, musicians and other artists
are people with well-developed vishudha;
anahata — the ability to love emotionally (to love
not “from the mind”, but “from the heart”);
manipura — the ability to act energetically; but
sometimes it is accompanied with a disposition
towards dominance of irritation and other
manifestations of anger;
svadhisthana — a well pronounced reproductive
function; muladhara —
psychological stability in various situations.
and Health
The condition of chakras is closely interrelated
with the condition of the organs located in the
parts of the body which correspond to particular
chakra. Chakras play an important role in supplying
the organs with energy, while diseases of the organs
negatively affect the condition of chakras.
For example, the following chakras are responsible
for the following organs:
— anahata: heart, lungs, arms, and mammary glands;
— manipura: among other organs — stomach and other
structures of the digestive system;
— svadhisthana: the organs of reproduction, urinary
bladder, legs, and others;
— sahasrara: forebrain hemispheres;
— ajna: the rest of the brain, as well as eyes,
ears, nose, and nasopharynx;
— vishudha: the entire neck, thyroid, both jaws,
including teeth, and others. (The border between the
“spheres of influence” of ajna and vishudha
coincides with the palate).
Since the condition of chakras directly influences
the functioning of organs located in the same parts
of the body, the mere cleansing of the corresponding
chakra can easily cure many chronic diseases.
It is important to mention that the work on
development of chakras and other subtle structures
of organism is incompatible with taking
“killed” food, alcohol
(even in the form of alcohol-containing milk
products) and other psychedelics, since such
substances destroy those subtle structures. Breaking
this rule causes serious diseases.
The main one of all chakras is anahata, because it
is with the help of this chakra that one can realize
the main purpose of life, i.e. spiritual
This can be explained as follows:
“God is Love,” — this principal formula was
proclaimed by Jesus
Christ. Contemporary
Avatar Sathya Sai
Baba also preaches the same.
It follows from this formula that if we want to
merge with God, we, too, have to transform ourselves
into Love — into consciousnesses constantly living
in the state of Godlike Love. One achieve this
though staying constantly with the consciousness in
the anahata chakra and being the emotion of love
radiated to all people, to all living beings.
See also:
Bubbles of Perception
External links:
Cleansing of Chakras. Opening Up of the Spiritual Heart